NEWS RELEASE: #MonumentCam is LIVE for July Fourth

The Trust for the National Mall announces with excitement that its 24/7 year-round #MonumentCam will showcase the fireworks in the nation’s capital and provide spectacular views of the National Mall for the upcoming July Fourth weekend.

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NEWS RELEASE: Top Executives in Healthcare, Communications, Banking and Engineering Join The Trust for the National Mall’s Board of Directors to Begin Planning for America’s 250th

Leaders from Wells Fargo, Humana, UnitedHealth Group, Hamilton Place Strategies, and Alpha Corporation have joined the Trust for the National Mall board of directors as the Trust begins planning for America's 250th on the National Mall. The Trust for the National Mall is the leading nonprofit, nonpartisan philanthropic partner of the National Park Service dedicated to restoring, preserving, and enriching the National Mall and President’s Park.

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New neigh-borhood: National Mall Park Police horses will soon have state-of-the-art home

The horse of the U.S. Park Police Mounted Unit are getting a new home on the National Mall. The Trust for the National Mall is working with the National Park Service to replace the temporary horse stables built in 1976 with a brand new, state-of-the-art facility that also includes an Education Center that will be open to the public.

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Voices of Volunteers: Labor of Love

The volunteers who serve at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (VVM) are a dedicated group with a strong sense of community. Many of the volunteers are veterans of the Vietnam War or volunteer at the Memorial to honor their loved ones who served. Every Memorial Day, the team honors their Vietnam veterans with a wreath laying ceremony presented by the volunteer corps.

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The Chesapeake Bay Journal: Rising waters trigger change for DC's Tidal Basin

By Whitney Pipkin, published by The Chesapeake Bay Journal

A visit to the Tidal Basin in the District of Columbia should deliver sweeping views of cherry trees heavy with pink and white blooms this time of year, drawing millions of onlookers to the concrete shorelines annually.

But not this spring. For the second straight year, festival organizers are warning people to stay away, encouraging them to visit virtually. This is not only because of the coronavirus pandemic. The popular gathering spot also faces growing problems with accessibility and safety hazards caused by regular flooding. The water flowing into the basin from the Potomac River rises up and over its sea wall twice daily, at each high tide.

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