Fox 5: A Look Inside the Newly Opened U.S. Park Police Horse Stables and Education Center

Fox 5: A Look Inside the Newly Opened U.S. Park Police Horse Stables and Education Center

Fox 5’s Steve Chenevey interviewed the Trust for the National Mall's President and CEO, Catherine Townsend about the ribbon cutting and grand opening of the new U.S. Park Police Horse Stables and Education Center. Watch here to learn more about the importance of establishing this new facility, and how it is just the first in a series of projects to come in preparation for America's 250th anniversary celebrations. Visit the new Education Center at the Stables Thursday-Sunday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm on the National Mall.

Lieutenant Rose and Ritter, one of the horses of the Mounted Unit, spoke to Fox5 about how the new home for the officers and horses was an essential upgrade to the outdated and inadequate former stables facility. She also touches on the importance of learning about the history of the Mounted Unit and their place on the National Mall. Lt. Rose gives a sneak peek into the stables where the horses now live, eat and rest when they come home after working all day on the National Mall! To hear more, you can watch the full interview here.

Fox 5: U.S. Park Police Horse Stables Now Open- An Interview With Lt. Anna Rose |