photo gallery: September 2023 Monumental view rooftop reception

Thank you to all who joined us for the Trust for National Mall's Monumental View Rooftop Reception overlooking the National Mall. We were delighted to gather with so many of our supporters, benefactors, volunteers, and special guests to celebrate the arrival of fall on America's Front Yard.

The evening kicked off with President and CEO of the Trust for the National Mall Catherine Townsend celebrating the impact of the art, artists and stories told through the inaugural exhibition Beyond Granite: Pulling Together. The Trust is especially grateful to our partners at the National Capital Planning Commission and the National Park Service for providing the vision and the opportunity to bring this important work to the National Mall and to the Mellon Foundation whose generous financial support made the exhibition possible.  

The Trust would like to share gratitude for the inspiring remarks by Shannon Estenoz, Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks at the Department of the Interior, who recognized the National Mall as “America’s most important civic space” and for supporting our work with the National Park Service in making the Mall inclusive and accessible for all.

The Trust would also like to thank Jeff Reinbold, Superintendent for the National Mall and Memorial Parks, for reminding us that the National Mall is truly America’s Front Yard, “back yard, conscience, heart, and soul” and inspired everyone to continue to learn, engage, and make new memories on the National Mall. 

We were also excited to have Scott Keenum, tournament director for National Mall of Pickleball, who shared some tips to help preview the Trust's National Mall of Pickleball event with our corporate partners at HUMANA.

During the reception, longtime Trust for the National Mall supporter Sherrie Beckstead previewed a new line of the Lockkeeper's Collection jewelry that pays tribute to our work to restore, relocate and activate the Lockkeeper’s House, with part of the proceeds supporting our work to restore, preserve and enrich the National Mall. 

Event images by Jeff Song Photography and Trust for the National Mall staff