Marissa Liotta

Marissa Liotta

Philanthropy Operations Coordinator

Marissa Liotta serves as the Philanthropy Operations Coordinator at the Trust for the National Mall. In this role, she provides assistance with the Trust’s philanthropic efforts and administrative support for the Philanthropy leadership team. Marissa is passionate about working with companies and organizations that value the importance of forming interpersonal connections and collaboratively preserving the stories from our past to tell future generations.

Marissa is a graduate of the Catholic University of America with a degree in Musical Theatre. Prior to joining the Trust, Marissa held dual titles as the Admissions and Enrollment Assistant and the Drama Teacher at Green Acres School, a PK-8 progressive education school in North Bethesda, Maryland. Additionally, she has been seen performing in theatrical productions around the Washington, D.C. area and is a Helen Hayes Award-nominated actor. Outside of work, Marissa loves exploring all that the DC metropolitan area has to offer, from historic sites to weekly trivia to volleyball on the National Mall! She also continues to perform and teach in the Washington, D.C. area.