Jack Ronayne

Jack Ronayne

Senior Public Engagement Coordinator

Jack Ronayne serves as Senior Public Engagement Coordinator at the Trust for the National Mall. In his role, he works in partnership with the National Park Service to facilitate the day-to-day aspects volunteer program on the National Mall. He provides visitor services and fulfills volunteer program needs at the newly reopened Lockkeeper's House, restored by the Trust in 2018, while helping to expand the volunteer program in size and scope across the National Mall. Before joining the Trust, Jack supported the National Mall volunteer program as an AmeriCorps Assistant Volunteer Coordinator at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial with NPS from Fall 2020 to Fall 2021. 

Jack graduated from Christopher Newport University in 2019 with a B.A. in history and minored in Leadership Studies and Museum Studies. While at CNU, Jack guided as an interpreter at James Monroe's Highland in Charlottesville, VA, and collected oral history as an intern at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA. After graduation, he returned to James Monroe's Highland, connected with the Trust and NPS at the Eisenhower Memorial, and adventured as a short-term archaeologist on Cumberland Island National Seashore off the Georgia coast with AmeriCorps and NPS. Jack strives to assist volunteers in their efforts to present history in an accessible, inclusive, educational, and meaningful manner on the National Mall.